Charting the world of Post-1948 British Diesel-Era Ready-to-Run models....

BACHMANN > Diesel Locomotives > CLASS 43 (HST)

The one hundred and ninety-seven Class 43 "HST" Bo-Bo Diesel Electric Power Cars were built by British Rail at Crewe between 1975-82. The Power Cars are in front-line passenger duties running at 125MPH. To provide a longer life many have undertaken heavy upgrades and new engines.

371-477 - Class 43 - First Great Western
371-477 - Class 43 - First Great Western
DC Versions
Ref No Year Livery Running No/Name
371-475  3-Car HST Set
2001 MML Teal  43047+42157+43058 Midland Pride
371-475A  3-Car HST Set
2007 MML Blue/Silver  43056+42112+43178 
371-476  3-Car HST Set
2001 GNER  43096+42064+43109 Great Race
371-477  3-Car HST Set
2002 First Great Western  43029+42072+43031 
Dark Blue
Pink Swoosh
Gold Body Stripe
White Nose
371-478  3-Car HST Set
2002 Virgin  43089+42127+43091 
371-479  3-Car HST Set
2007 BR Intercity  43098+42074+43107 
371-480  3-Car HST Set
2007 GNER  43096+42058+43006 Stirling Castle and Kingdom of Fife
371-481  3-Car HST Set
2009 Cross Country  43378+42377+43321