Charting the world of Post-1948 British Diesel-Era Ready-to-Run models....

BACHMANN > Freight Stock > 20T Brake Vans

Many 20 ton brake vans types were built prior to BR and many were continued in production.

GW - 20T Toad Brake Van > Ex-Farish Model

The GW build huge numbers of 20T Toad brake vans, these continued to be built into BR days.

373-326 - 20 ton Toad - BR Bauxite
373-326 - 20 ton Toad - BR Bauxite

The Farish version was a fairly basic representation.

Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
373-326 2002 20 ton Toad - BR Bauxite  W11496
Also included in set 370-200
373-326A 2003 20 ton Toad - BR Bauxite  W114961
Also Included in Set 370-175
373-327 2003 20 ton Toad - BR Grey  W35960
373-328 2005 20 ton Toad - BR Bauxite S&T  DW17455

GW - 20T Toad Brake Van

377-376 - 20 ton Toad - BR Grey
377-376 - 20 ton Toad - BR Grey

The new Bachmann version was much more detailed.

Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
377-376 2010 20 ton Toad - BR Grey  W68834
Also included in set 370-110
377-376A 2017 20 ton Toad - BR Grey [W] W35894
377-376B 2020 20 ton Toad - BR Grey  W68919
377-377 2010 20 ton Toad - BR Bauxite  W114854
377-377A 2020 20 ton Toad - BR Bauxite  W17403
377-378 2010 20 ton Toad - BR Bauxite S&T  DW68786
377-379 2017 20 ton Toad - BR Departmental Yellow  DW68936

LBSCR - 20T Brake Van > Ex-Farish Model

370-202 - 20 ton BR Brake Van - BR Grey/Yellow
370-202 - 20 ton BR Brake Van - BR Grey/Yellow

The LBSCR brake van was previously produced by Farish and was only included in Bachmann sets.

Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
370-050 2005 20 ton BR Brake Van - Brown  NE151752
Only available in set
370-051 2005 20 ton BR Brake Van - Brown  NE151752
Only available in set
370-201 2005 20 ton BR Brake Van - BR Grey/Yellow  D862864
Only available in set - Also included in set 370-202

LNER/BR - 20T Brake Van

The LNER 20T brake van was adopted by BR as their standard brake van type.

377-525D - 20 ton BR Brake Van - BR Bauxite (Weathered)
377-525D - 20 ton BR Brake Van - BR Bauxite (Weathered)
Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
370-090 2020 20 ton BR Brake Van - BR Bauxite (Early) [W] B951079
Only available in set
377-525 2007 20 ton BR Brake Van - BR Bauxite  B954762
377-525A 2008 20 ton BR Brake Van - BR Bauxite  B951094
377-525B 2010 20 ton BR Brake Van - BR Bauxite  B953810
377-525C 2011 20 ton BR Brake Van - BR Bauxite  B952497
377-525D 2013 20 ton BR Brake Van - BR Bauxite [W] B950358
377-525E 2015 20 ton BR Brake Van - BR Bauxite (Early) [W] B951054
377-526 2007 20 ton BR Brake Van - BR Grey  B951480
377-526A 2008 20 ton BR Brake Van - BR Grey  B950884
377-526B 2010 20 ton BR Brake Van - BR Grey  B951759
Also included in set 370-260
377-526C 2015 20 ton BR Brake Van - BR Grey [W] B951504
377-526D 2022 20 ton BR Brake Van - BR Grey  B950903
377-528 2015 20 ton BR Brake Van - BR Bauxite (Late) [W] B952830
377-529 2015 20 ton BR Brake Van - BR Grey/Yellow [W] DB951767
377-529A 2022 20 ton BR Brake Van - BR Grey/Yellow [W] DB950619
377-530 2022 20 ton BR Brake Van - BR Bauxite (CAR) [W] B954687

LNER/BR - 20T Brake Van > Flush Ends

The final LNER 20T brake van designs were built in 1963 and has some modifications such as flush ends.

377-535 - 20 ton BR Brake Van - Railfreight Red/Grey
377-535 - 20 ton BR Brake Van - Railfreight Red/Grey
Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
377-535 2007 20 ton BR Brake Van - Railfreight Red/Grey  B955247
Flush (Sheeted) Ends
377-535A 2019 20 ton BR Brake Van - Railfreight Red/Grey  B954561
Flush (Sheeted) Ends

LMS - 20T Brake Van

The LMS build large numbers of 20T brake vans, these continued to be built into BR days.

377-300 - 20 ton LMS Brake Van - BR Bauxite
377-300 - 20 ton LMS Brake Van - BR Bauxite
Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
377-300 2008 20 ton LMS Brake Van - BR Bauxite  M732396
377-300A 2010 20 ton LMS Brake Van - BR Bauxite  M713460
377-301 2008 20 ton LMS Brake Van - BR Grey  M730836
377-301A 2010 20 ton LMS Brake Van - BR Grey  B950197
377-301B 2011 20 ton LMS Brake Van - BR Grey  M732484
377-301C 2013 20 ton LMS Brake Van - BR Grey  M732264
377-301D 2021 20 ton LMS Brake Van - BR Grey  B950231
377-302 2015 20 ton LMS Brake Van - BR Bauxite (Late)  M731433
377-303 2021 20 ton LMS Brake Van - Civil Engineers Grey/Yellow  DM731790

MR - 20T Brake Van

One hundred of these Midland Railway brake vans were built in the late 1920s.

377-752 - 20 ton MR Brake Van - BR Grey
377-752 - 20 ton MR Brake Van - BR Grey
Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
377-752 2014 20 ton MR Brake Van - BR Grey  M281670
377-754 2022 20 ton MR Brake Van - BR Grey [W] M357914