Charting the world of Post-1948 British Diesel-Era Ready-to-Run models....

BACHMANN > Freight Stock > 20T/22T Presflo Covered Hopper

A large number of 20T & 22T Presflo hoppers were built between 1958-1964.

BR - 22T Presflo > Ex-Farish Model

373-525 - 22 ton Presflo - Rugby Cement
373-525 - 22 ton Presflo - Rugby Cement

The Farish version was a fairly basic representation.

Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
373-525 2005 22 ton Presflo - Rugby Cement  8873811
373-525A 2008 22 ton Presflo - Rugby Cement  8873814
373-526 2005 22 ton Presflo - Blue Circle  PF20
373-526A 2007 22 ton Presflo - Blue Circle  PF17
373-526B 2008 22 ton Presflo - Blue Circle  PF14
373-527 2005 22 ton Presflo - Pozzolanic  B888974

BR - 20T Presflo

377-828 - 20 ton Presflo - Cement Marketing Company - Grey
377-828 - 20 ton Presflo - Cement Marketing Company - Grey

The new Bachmann version was much more detailed.

Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
377-825 2011 20 ton Presflo - Bulk Tunnel Cement - Bauxite  B888113
377-825A 2013 20 ton Presflo - Bulk Tunnel Cement - Bauxite  B888112
377-826 2011 20 ton Presflo - Crown Cement - Bauxite  B888229
377-826A 2013 20 ton Presflo - Crown Cement - Bauxite  B888235
377-827 2011 20 ton Presflo - Blue Circle Bulk Cement - Bauxite  B873364
377-827A 2013 20 ton Presflo - Blue Circle Bulk Cement - Bauxite  B888723
377-828 2011 20 ton Presflo - Cement Marketing Company - Grey  PF100
377-828A 2013 20 ton Presflo - Cement Marketing Company - Grey  PF88
377-840 2011 20 ton Presflo - BR Bauxite [W] B873110+B873295+B873344
Set of Three
377-841 2013 20 ton Presflo - Blue Circle  PF76+PF109+PF52
Set of Three