Charting the world of Post-1948 British Diesel-Era Ready-to-Run models....

BACHMANN > Freight Stock > Steel Opens

BR - 16T Steel Mineral Open > Ex-Farish Model

373-202 - 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Light Grey
373-202 - 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Light Grey

Bachmann continued production of the old Farish 16T Steel Mineral wagon for a few years.

Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
370-201 2005 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Bauxite  B68992
Only available in set - Also included in set 370-202
370-201 2005 16 ton Steel Mineral - Grey/Yellow  DB388868
Only available in set - Also included in set 370-202
370-201 2005 16 ton Steel Mineral - Grey/Yellow  DB388869
Only available in set - Also included in set 370-202
373-200 2002 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey  B38066
Also Included in Set 370-175
373-200A 2004 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey  B38059
373-201 2002 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Bauxite  B564872
Also included in Set 370-051
373-201A 2004 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Bauxite  B68998
373-202 2002 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Light Grey  B258683
373-203 2005 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey  B38071

BR - 16T Steel Mineral Open > Top Flap

BR built many thousands of Diag 1/106 and 1/108 16 ton Steel Mineral Wagons.

377-226 - 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Bauxite
377-226 - 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Bauxite
Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
370-255 2011 16 ton Steel Mineral - Grey  MCP528
Only available in set
370-255 2011 16 ton Steel Mineral - Grey  MCP95
Only available in set
370-255 2011 16 ton Steel Mineral - Grey  MCP442
Only available in set
377-225 2006 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey  B100071
377-225A 2008 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey  B100083
377-225B 2010 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey  B168553
377-225C 2013 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey  B591270
377-225D 2015 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey  B559135
377-225Z 2008 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey  B140952+B257058+B88219+B77701+B80200+B168553
Set of Six - Hattons Limited Edition
377-226 2006 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Bauxite  B68900
377-226A 2010 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Bauxite  B69007
377-226B 2021 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Bauxite  B64026
377-226B 2013 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Bauxite  B64026
377-227 2006 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey [W] B106979
377-227A 2010 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey [W] B107071
377-227B 2011 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey [W] B80285
377-227C 2013 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey [W] B565332
377-227D 2015 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey [W] B84198
377-227E 2021 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey [W] B122015
377-227F 2023 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey [W] B161589
377-227G 2023 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey [W] B161899
377-227H 2023 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey [W] B165149
377-227J 2023 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey [W] B168339
377-235 2012 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey  B150998+B151226+B151711
Set of Three
377-235A 2015 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey  B120188+B120954+B121093
Set of Three
377-235B 2023 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey [W] B82137+B84266+B88429
Set of Three
with Loads
377-235C 2023 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey [W] B89616+B93309+B93507
Set of Three
with Loads

BR - 16T Steel Mineral Open > No Flap

BR built many thousands of Diag 1/102 and 1/108 16 ton Steel Mineral Wagons.

377-252 - 16 ton Steel Mineral - Olive Green
377-252 - 16 ton Steel Mineral - Olive Green
Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
377-250 2006 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey  B38066
377-250A 2008 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey  B38059
377-250B 2010 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey  B227229
Also included in set 370-110
377-250C 2011 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey  B37697
377-250D 2013 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey  B60544
377-250E 2021 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey  B37236
with load
377-251 2006 16 ton MCO Steel Mineral - BR Light Grey  B236683
377-251A 2010 16 ton MCO Steel Mineral - BR Light Grey  B229637
377-251B 2011 16 ton MCO Steel Mineral - BR Light Grey  B121830
377-251C 2013 16 ton MCO Steel Mineral - BR Light Grey  B231349
377-252 2006 16 ton ZHV Steel Mineral - BR Departmental Olive Green  ADB562927
Also included in set 370-201 & 370-202
377-252A 2011 16 ton ZHV Steel Mineral - BR Departmental Olive Green  ADB552821
377-253 2011 16 ton MXV Steel Mineral - Bauxite  B564000
377-253A 2013 16 ton MXV Steel Mineral - Bauxite  B577541
377-254 2013 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey [W] B25311
377-254A 2015 16 ton Steel Mineral - BR Grey [W] B25304
377-255 2021 16 ton MCO Steel Mineral - BR Grey [W] B594633
377-255A 2023 16 ton MCO Steel Mineral - BR Grey  B88429
377-255B 2023 16 ton MCO Steel Mineral - BR Grey  B89616
377-257 2012 16 ton MCV Steel Mineral - BR Bauxite [W] W594633

BR - 16T Slope Sided Open

Many thousands of War Department 16 ton mineral wagons were taken into BR stock upon nationalisation.

377-451 - 16 ton Slope Sided Mineral - BR Bauxite
377-451 - 16 ton Slope Sided Mineral - BR Bauxite
Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
377-450 2006 16 ton Slope Sided Mineral - BR Grey  B8128
377-450A 2010 16 ton Slope Sided Mineral - BR Grey  B11532
377-450B 2015 16 ton Slope Sided Mineral - BR Grey [W] B11678
377-450C 2021 16 ton Slope Sided Mineral - BR Grey  B7456
377-451 2006 16 ton Slope Sided Mineral - BR Bauxite  MWT11532
377-451A 2010 16 ton Slope Sided Mineral - BR Bauxite  MWT9512
377-451B 2013 16 ton Slope Sided Mineral - BR Bauxite  MWT9505
377-451C 2021 16 ton Slope Sided Mineral - BR Bauxite  MWT9536
377-453 2021 16 ton Slope Sided Mineral - BR Grey [W] B11562

BR - 27T Steel Tippler Open

One thousand five hundred Diag 1/180 27 ton Tipplers were built between 1951-53 and lasted into the 1970s.

377-277 - 27 ton Tippler - Iron Ore - BR Grey (Weathered)
377-277 - 27 ton Tippler - Iron Ore - BR Grey (Weathered)
Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
377-275 2006 27 ton Tippler - Iron Ore - BR Grey  B381500
377-275A 2010 27 ton Tippler - Iron Ore - BR Grey  B381934
377-275B 2011 27 ton Tippler - Iron Ore - BR Grey  B381818
377-275C 2021 27 ton Tippler - Iron Ore - BR Grey  B381897
377-276 2006 27 ton Tippler - Chalk - BR Grey  B381293
377-276A 2011 27 ton Tippler - Chalk - BR Grey  B380510
377-276B 2011 27 ton Tippler - Chalk - BR Grey  B380856
377-276C 2011 27 ton Tippler - Chalk - BR Grey  B383327
377-277 2006 27 ton Tippler - Iron Ore - BR Grey [W] B383476
377-277A 2010 27 ton Tippler - Iron Ore - BR Grey [W] B380005
377-277B 2013 27 ton Tippler - Chalk - BR Grey [W] B381900
377-278 2015 27 ton Tippler - BR Bauxite  B386309
377-278A 2015 27 ton Tippler - BR Bauxite  B385893
with Load
377-278B 2015 27 ton Tippler - BR Bauxite  B386096
with Load
377-279 2015 27 ton Tippler - Iron Ore - BR Grey [W] B382833+B385005+B385021
Set of Three
377-281 2021 27 ton Tippler - BR Engineers Grey/Yelow [W] DB388112

LNER - 13T High Sided Open

The LNER built many Diag 194 13 ton Steel Opens in the 1940s, most passed into BR ownership. BR built furthe examples under Diag 1/041 in the early 1950s.

377-951 - 13 ton High Sided Open - BR Bauxite (Late)
377-951 - 13 ton High Sided Open - BR Bauxite (Late)
Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
377-950 2012 13 ton High Sided Open - BR Bauxite (Early)  B480768
Chain Pockets
377-951 2012 13 ton High Sided Open - BR Bauxite (Late)  B480215
Chain Pockets
377-952 2012 13 ton High Sided Open - BR Bauxite (Early)  E281227
Smooth Sides
377-953 2012 13 ton High Sided Open - BR Bauxite (Late)  E281604
Smooth Sides
377-955 2016 13 ton High Sided Open - BR Bauxite (Early) [W] B483417
Chain Pockets
377-956 2016 13 ton High Sided Open - BR Bauxite (Late) [W] B481230
Chain Pockets
377-957 2017 13 ton High Sided Open - BR Grey  E279122
377-965 2012 13 ton High Sided Open - BR Bauxite (Late) [W] E281515+E281460+E281394
Set of Three