Charting the world of Post-1948 British Diesel-Era Ready-to-Run models....

BACHMANN > Freight Stock > Ventilated Vans

BR built over a thousand Diag 1/208 Vent Vans between 1951-1954.

BR 12T Vent Vans > Planked

373-702 - BR 12T (Planked) Vent Van - BR Grey
373-702 - BR 12T (Planked) Vent Van - BR Grey
Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
373-700 2006 12 ton BR Planked Vent Van - BR Bauxite  B755180
373-700A 2008 12 ton BR Planked Vent Van - BR Bauxite  B755197
373-700A 2010 12 ton BR Planked Vent Van - BR Bauxite  B755197
373-700B 2012 12 ton BR Planked Vent Van - BR Bauxite (Early)  B756303
373-700Y 2012 12 ton BR Planked Vent Van - BR Bauxite (Early) [W] B760065+B755822+B765001
Set of Three - Modelzone Limited Edition
373-701 2006 12 ton BR Planked Vent Van - BR Bauxite  B762318
373-701A 2008 12 ton BR Planked Vent Van - BR Bauxite  B762324
373-701A 2010 12 ton BR Planked Vent Van - BR Bauxite  B762324
373-701B 2011 12 ton BR Planked Vent Van - BR Bauxite (Early)  B762361
373-701C 2022 12 ton BR Planked Vent Van - BR Bauxite (Early) [W] B760681
373-702 2008 12 ton BR Planked Vent Van - BR Railstores Railfreight  AD878575
373-702A 2012 12 ton BR Planked Vent Van - BR Departmental Olive Green  DB761319
373-703 2011 12 ton BR Planked Vent Van - BR Bauxite (Late)  B760289
373-703A 2012 12 ton BR Planked Vent Van - BR Bauxite (Late)  B758582
373-703B 2022 12 ton BR Planked Vent Van - BR Bauxite (Late) [W] B759177
373-704 2022 12 ton BR Planked Vent Van - BR Departmental Olive Green  DB761319

BR built further batches of Diag 1/208 Vent Vans with Plywood Doors between 1958-1959.

BR 12T Vent Vans > Plywood Doors

377-628 - BR 12T (Plywood Doors) Vent Van - BR Bauxite (Late)
377-628 - BR 12T (Plywood Doors) Vent Van - BR Bauxite (Late)
Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
377-627 2011 12 ton BR Vent Van Plywood Doors - BR Bauxite (Early)  B773727
Also included in set 370-110
377-627A 2013 12 ton BR Vent Van Plywood Doors - BR Bauxite (Early)  B774447
377-628 2011 12 ton BR Vent Van Plywood Doors - BR Bauxite (Late)  B774238
377-628A 2013 12 ton BR Vent Van Plywood Doors - BR Bauxite (Late)  B777973
377-628B 2019 12 ton BR Vent Van Plywood Doors - BR Bauxite (Late) [W] B773512
377-629 2019 12 ton BR Vent Van Plywood Doors - BR Railstores Railfreight  AD781595

BR 12T Vent Vans > Plywood

BR built batches of Diag 1/213 and 1/224 Plywood Vent Vans between 1958-1962.

373-752 - BR 12T (Plywood) Vent Van - BR Bauxite (Late)
373-752 - BR 12T (Plywood) Vent Van - BR Bauxite (Late)
Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
373-751 2006 12 ton BR Plywood Vent Van - BR Bauxite  B784873
373-751A 2008 12 ton BR Plywood Vent Van - BR Bauxite  B784897
373-751B 2010 12 ton BR Plywood Vent Van - BR Bauxite  B772139
373-751C 2012 12 ton BR Plywood Vent Van - BR Bauxite  B775866
373-752 2012 12 ton BR Plywood Vent Van - BR Bauxite (Late)  B775719

GW 12T Twin Vent Vans > Ex-Farish Model

Bachmann continued production of the old Farish GW Twin Vent Van for a few years, it was a generic GW design not based on a specific van.

373-130 - GW 12T Twin Vent Van - BR Grey
373-130 - GW 12T Twin Vent Van - BR Grey
Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
373-126 2002 12 ton GWR Twin Vent Van - BR Bauxite  W124480
Also included in set 370-200 & 370-175
373-129 2004 12 ton GWR Twin Vent Van - BR Bauxite  W124483
373-130 2004 12 ton GWR Twin Vent Van - BR Grey  W134035

LMS 12T Single Vent Vans > Ex-Farish Model

Bachmann continued production of the old Farish LMS Single Vent Van for a few years, it was a generic LMS design not based on a specific van.

373-104 - LMS 12T Single Vent Van - BR Light Grey
373-104 - LMS 12T Single Vent Van - BR Light Grey
Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
373-101 2002 12 ton LMS Single Vent Van - BR Grey  M504891
Also included in set 370-200
373-104 2004 12 ton LMS Single Vent Van - BR Light Grey  M504883
373-105 2004 12 ton LMS Single Vent Van - BR Bauxite  M568037

LNER 12T Vent Vans > Planked Ends

The LNER built many of these Diag 161 Ventilated vans with Planked Ends. They lasted into the 1960s.

377-976 - LNER 12T (Planked Ends) Vent Van - BR Bauxite (Early)
377-976 - LNER 12T (Planked Ends) Vent Van - BR Bauxite (Early)
Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
377-976 2012 12 ton LNER Vent Van - BR Bauxite (Early)  E236698
377-976A 2017 12 ton LNER Vent Van - BR Bauxite (Early)  E236010

LNER 12T Vent Vans > Corrugated Ends

The LNER built huge numbers of these Diag 171 Ventilated vans with Corrugated Ends. They lasted into the 1970s.

377-980 - LNER 12T (Corrugated Ends) Vent Van - BR Bauxite (Late)
377-980 - LNER 12T (Corrugated Ends) Vent Van - BR Bauxite (Late)
Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
377-980 2012 12 ton LNER Vent Van - BR Bauxite (Early)  E211308
377-981 2012 12 ton LNER Vent Van - BR Bauxite (Late)  E256948
377-981A 2022 12 ton LNER Vent Van - BR Bauxite (Late) [W] E256974

SR 12T Vent Vans

The SR built many hundreds of Diag 1451/5 Vent Vans for itself and also the LMS and GWR during WW2, many survived into the 1970s.

377-426 - SR 12T Vent Van - BR Grey
377-426 - SR 12T Vent Van - BR Grey
Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
377-426 2015 12 ton SR Vent Van - BR Grey  M523351
2+2 Planked
377-427 2015 12 ton SR Vent Van - BR Bauxite (Early)  S59379
2+2 Planked
377-429 2020 12 ton SR Vent Van - BR Bauxite (Early)  S49230
Even Planked