Charting the world of Post-1948 British Diesel-Era Ready-to-Run models....

BACHMANN > Coaches/Non-Passenger Stock > HST Stock > Mk3 FIRSTS

The Mk 3 coaches were intially produced in 1972 for the Prototype HST. Hauled Loco stock, including Sleeping Cars followed in the 1980s.

BR Mk3 - Trailer First > Ex-Farish Model

374-352 - Mk3 - Trailer First - GNER
374-352 - Mk3 - Trailer First - GNER

The Mk3 Trailer Firsts were built at Derby between 1976-82.

Ref No Year Livery Running No/Name
374-350 2001 MML Teal  41064  
374-350A 2007 MML Blue/Silver  41057  
374-351 2002 First Great Western  41005  
Dark Blue
Gold Body Stripe
374-352 2001 GNER  41091  
374-352A 2008 GNER  41100  
374-353 2001 Virgin  41081  
374-354 2007 BR Intercity  41036  
374-355 2011 Cross Country  41195